since 1976
8" strand approx 8x8mm approx 45 beads
8" strand approx 7x7mm approx 50 beads
8" strand approx 18x22mm 10 beads
13.5" strand approx 4x5mm approx 85 beads
10" strand approx 3x5mm approx 70 beads
10" strand approx 4x7mm approx 65 beads
16" strandapprox 2x4mmapprox 230 beads
8" strand 7x7mm approx approx 25 beads
10" strand Approximately 20x21mm - 28x20mm in diameter 11 beads on strand
8" Strand 11x15mm - 16x23mm approx 14 beads
9" strand 5x5mm approx approx 80 beads
11" strand 6.5mm approx 44 beads
14" strand 5.5mm approx approx 95 beads
3 strands 17"-18" each 1x3mm - 2x4mm approx 700 beads
3 strands 18"-19" each 2x3mm - 4x5mm approx 540 beads
16" strand 2x3mm - 3x5mm approx 200 beads
14" strand approx 95 beads 2-5mm
8" strand approx 70 beads 3x5mm - 4x6mm
16" strand approx 150 beads 2x6mm - 4x9mm
8" strand 16 beads approx .75"
8" strand approx 17 beads approx .5"
7.5" strand approx 7 beads .5x1" - 1x1.25"
16" strand approx 200 beads 3x5mm - 4x7mm
7" strand 13-15 beads 11x12mm - 13x16mm
9" strand 20 beads 7x10mm - 9x15mm
8" strand approx 85 beads 5x7mm
9" strand approx 70 beads 5x7mm - 8x11mm
2 strands 19" and 20" approx 215 beads 2x3mm - 4x5mm
3 strands 15-18" each approx 150 beads 2x4mm - 5x7mm
16" strand approx 150 beads 2x3mm - 6x9mm
20" Strand approx 180 beads 2x3mm - 4x7mm
15" strand. 1.5mm bead size
19" Strand. 3-5mm.
14" strand. Approximately 117 beads. Approximately 3mm in size.
17" Strand. graduated beads 10x7mm to 12x8mm. Approximately 50 beads.
14" -16" strands. Graduated beads.
18" Strand. 6x12mm beads. Approximately 78 beads.
4 strands 25" to 26" long. 12mm to 22mm long.