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You've Got Maille

Posted by Lois on

              Welcome to the first instalment of You’ve Got Maille. In this article the basics of chainmaille will be discussed. Chainmaille is an ancient art that has been adapted in modern times to make jewelry. Jump rings and other media are used to make different pattern combinations resulting in a great multitude of styles of jewelry.

              When first attempting chainmaille there are many places to find kits, patterns, and tools to get started. We carry Metal Designz rings and kits, base metal and precious wire to make your own rings and a great many tools for creating great and unique chainmaille pieces. Pliers are very important tools to this craft – get two pairs with comfortable grips for your hands and before buying consider the type of metal and ring sizes you will be working with.

              If you are considering wading into the wonderful world of chainmail there are a few basic patterns most people start with: European 4-1, Byzantine (also known as Idiots Delight), Box chain and Helm Weave (also known as parallel chain). These weaves are great to start with as they are the base for many other weaves in the chainmaille world.

              Of course you can also come in and ask me any questions you might have.

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