since 1976
The name Larimar is derived from Lacrima Del Mare, which means “tears from the sea”. It is the rare blue variety of pectolite. Discovered only in 1974, Larimar is hard to find outside of the Caribbean. The...
Chrysocolla is hydrous copper silicate in gemstone-quality form. It often forms with copper salts, iron and manganese oxides. It is sought after for its attractive colors and unique multicolored patterns. It belongs to a...
Amethyst is the perfect stone for any spiritual seekers. It is thought to be a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to promote calm, balance, and peace. Amethyst is found...
The name Fluorite comes from the Latin word fluere which means to flow, based on its use as a flux in the manufacture of steel and other metals to eliminate impurities. The term fluorescence is also derived from...
Rutilated Quartz is a transparent Quartz with golden yellow Rutile inclusions that are in hairlike growths. The Rutile inclusions range from thin, sparse, and parallel, to thick, dense, and crisscrossed, and everything...
Lava rocks are formed by a variety of minerals. The most common minerals are pyroxine, olivine, and feldspar. Sometimes low quantities of hornblende, mica, magnetite and quartz are also present. These stones are generally...
Blue Lace Agate is an excellent emotional healing stone, with strong metaphysical properties. It is said to boost your ability to your ability to express yourself, especially the thoughts and feelings that you receive from...
BC Nepherite Jade is a member of the silicates family. It is found in several shades of green and it can be translucent. Since ancient times, nephrite jade was considered an Imperial gemstone. Important dignitaries and...
Amazonite belongs to the Feldspar group of minerals. It is found in Russia, the USA, Canada, Madagascar and Brazil. Amazonite is one of the stones that don’t belong to the traditional or the modern birthstone charts,...
Mookaite is a member of the jasper family. It is named for the place where it was first discovered, the Kennedy Ranges in Mooka valley, Western Australia. Metaphysically, mookaite jasper It is often associated with healing,...
The finest specimens of Pink Opal are found in Peru. Pink Opal is also found in Western Australia. According to the website, opal is “hydrated silicon dioxide - submicroscopic silica spheres bonded together...
Tiger Eye is a member of the quartz family of minerals. It is mined in South Africa, Australia, Myanmar, India, and also in the state of California in the USA. Tiger Eye is a birthstone for the sun sign of Gemini and it is...
Obsidian is the result of volcanic lava cooling rapidly. This process produces a glassy texture in the resulting rock. Mahogany Obsidian is a combination of jet black and reddish-brown Obsidian with high iron content that...
Howlite is a basic calcium silico-borate. In its natural state it is white, and commonly marked with black, gray, or brown intersecting veins. It is often dyed to resemble other more expensive stones like turquoise and Lapis...
Chrysoprase is the apple green form of Chalcedony. The mineral Nickel gives it its distinctive green colour. It is said to be the favorite healing gemstone of Alexander the Great. ... Connected with the heart chakra, these...
As its name describes, Rose Quartz is the pink variety of the quartz family. It takes on a pink hue because of the presence of the pink variety of the mineral Dumortierite. It is commercially mined in Madagascar,...
Moss Agate is a form of chalcedony which includes minerals of a green colour embedded in the stone, forming filaments and other patterns suggestive of moss. The best Moss Agate is mined in India. Additional deposits are...
Hessonite Garnet is the orange-brown variant of the grossular garnet family. This hue has earned it the nickname cinnamon stone. The finest deposits of hessonite garnet are found in Sri Lanka but it is also mined in Brazil,...